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  • Catholic Education | Mecklenburg Area Catholic Schools | United States

    Welcome to Mecklenburg Area Catholic Schools The hub for Admissions, Student Billing & Financial Aid, Transportation, and After School Care for our nine school system. Current Families Prospective Families OUR SCHOOLS MECKLENBURG AREA CATHOLIC SCHOOLS 9 schools. 1 family. REady To Tour? Interested in touring one of our schools? Click the logo above to contact the school directly to schedule your visit. Tours JOIN OUR FAMILY Request Info Apply Now School Locations 100% Graduation and college matriculation rates 9 Co-ed, fully accredited MACS schools 50+ Academic, technology & specialty courses 4 Languages taught 140+ Athletic championships since 2001 5 Special Education Programs 35K Student service hours performed in 2020 20+ Fine arts courses offered

  • Summer Camp | macs

    Summer Camp 2025 Click Below for the 2025 Summer Camp Brochure Registration Opens January 27

  • Programs | Mecklenburg Area Catholic Schools

    After School Care The After School Enrichment Program (ASEP) is offered for grades K - 8th, plus full day TK and Pre-K students. ASEP provides a child-centered, safe, stimulating, and happy environment that allows children to interact freely with others. The full time PreK - 5th grade program provides a variety of activities including: recreation, games, arts, crafts, homework time, snacks, holiday parties, and programs from outside groups. In the middle school ASEP program, students are provided the opportunity to complete homework and projects. Some schools also offer before school care. Acceptance and enrollment into a MACS school does not guarantee a spot in the ASEP. * At this time, the following after school enrichment programs for the 2024-25 school year are full at the following locations: St. Matthew St. Ann St. Patrick By submitting an ASEP registration for one of these schools, you will be placed on a waitlist and will be contacted if space becomes available. You will not be charged the registration fee unless space becomes available. Placement on a waitlist does not guarantee that an opening will become available for your child. The ASEP registration form for current students for the 2024 -25 school year is available in your School Admin enrollment portal. New MACS students will be able to register during the enrollment process. 2024-25 ASEP Handbook 2024-25 ASEP Calendar Transportation Our transportation program is pleased to provide a safe, reliable bus service for MACS families that choose to use our services. Bus routes are designed to accommodate the areas of greatest needs throughout the Greater Charlotte, Huntersville, and Mooresville areas. Registration for the 2024-25 school year is now available for current students through your SchoolAdmin portal. Registration for newly accepted students will be available during the enrollment process. Acceptance and enrollment into a MACS school does not guarantee a spot with transportation. Students must be 5 years old to be eligible for transportation. *At this time, the following buses for the 24-25 school year are full: Bus 9 Bus 10 Bus 11 Bus 12 Bus 23 Bus A-15 Bus A-16 2024-25 Bus Schedule Summer Camp IMPORTANT DATES FOR 2025 SUMMER CAMP: January 27th at 9am - Registration opens for current MACS families and applying siblings. February 3rd at 9am - Registration opens for non-MACS families. 2025 Summer Camp Brochure Registration Opens January 27th A link to the 2025 registration form will be posted in this section when registration opens. Summer Camp is available on a first-come, first-serve basis and interested families are encouraged to submit their registration as soon as possible once registration opens. MACS Summer Camp offers campers a wide variety of activities and experiences in a safe and stimulating environment. Campers have the opportunity to choose among many fun activities during part of each day, empowering students to design some of his or her day. Contacts Director of After School and Summer Camps Ellen Buening 704-370-3268 Director of Transportation Regina Horne 704-370-3263

  • Academics | Mecklenburg Area Catholic Schools

    Overview Elementary School Middle School High School Special Learning | | | | Exploration. Discovery. Knowledge. Academics Overview Our students become leaders in all aspects of their lives. Through our academic programs and extracurricular activities, we foster the development of leadership skills such as self-motivation, accountability, and work ethic that will set the foundation for future accomplishments. Students who attend our schools not only excel academically, they become team captains, youth group leaders, eucharistic ministers, student council members, and much more. You will take pride in your child as they lead in the classroom, on the stage, on the athletic fields, in the community, and anywhere their passion drives them. Our talented faculty and staff have a passion for learning and student development. They create a climate in their classroom to best meet the individual student needs to ensure success.

  • High School | Mecklenburg Area Catholic Schools

    Overview Elementary School Middle School High School Special Education | | | | Experiences. Integrity. Preparation. High School WHAT TO EXPECT: 1-to-1 Program = laptop for every high school student AP & Honors courses Unique courses: Theology, Aviation, German, Philosophy, Psychology, Business, Engineering, Industrial Design, Physics, Costume Design, Web Design, Acting, Voice, Debate & Speech, U.S. Government, African American Studies Service Projects & Mission Trips Award-winning fine arts program Championship-winning athletic programs College Counseling & college matriculation Special Education Programs & Academic Achievement program 100% graduation rate Both schools are co-ed The goals are graduation and college. Our 100% graduation rate at both high schools is a direct result of our faith-based, rigorous curriculum. Our curriculum is designed to give students experiences in competitive fields. Students travel abroad on mission trips to help local communities. Engineering and Industrial Design students build life-size projects on campus. Aviation students have hands-on learning experiences during field trips as well as access to a simulator. Broadway hopefuls can study dance or design and sew costumes for musical theater productions. Future international business executives can study Spanish, German or French. Band musicians perform domestically and abroad, and artists paint murals in our hallways. Our athletes develop endurance and dedication to their respective sports, winning championships. Whatever the interest, our high schools have it. Students are also taught to value and maintain the fundamentals of faith, cooperation, respect, responsibility, integrity and confidence. Students have access to the Academic Achievement program for academic assistance and Special Education Programs for diagnosed learning disabilities. Coming from abroad? Charlotte Catholic High School currently accepts international students. Check out the apply section of the website to learn more. Including but not limited to: Theology, Spanish, German, Latin, French, English, U.S. Government, Engineering, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Political Science, Psychology, Marketing, Journalism, Calculus, Statistics, Economics, Web Design, Digital Design, Computer Programming, Band, Jazz Band, Choir, Theater, Costume Design, Dance, Acting, Photography, Physical Education, Athletics, Yearbook, Newspaper, Student Council, Debate and Speech, Service Learning, Spirit Week, Glee Club, National Honors Society, Philosophy, African American Studies, British Literature, Horticulture, Aviation Curriculum, Clubs & Activities Charlotte Catholic Christ the King College Counseling & Matriculation Both high schools have a 100% graduation rate! In the past two years, our students received over $45 million in scholarships for college. Our graduates matriculate to more than 150 colleges and universities throughout the United States from Harvard and UCLA to UNC Chapel Hill and Georgetown! Both high schools (Charlotte Catholic High School and Christ the King Catholic High School) provide college counseling programs. College counselors guide students through the college search, application and financial aid processes. Once accepted, students enjoy hanging their college banner in the college counseling room or painting the logo on the college counseling door.

  • Musical Theater | Mecklenburg Area Catholic Schools

    Band Chorus Fine Arts Dance Art & Design | | | | Musical Theater | Musicals Gallery Students study the basic elements of theater, film and acting. They learn the history and progressive of theater as a reflection of society. They learn how to design sets, read and analyze scenes, and improvisation and sketch comedy. Classes produce plays each year. Related Classes Acting Technical Theater Musical Theater Costume Design Drama/Theater

  • MACS Advisory Cabinet | macs

    Advisory Members Very Rev. John Starczewski Pastor Representative Dr. Gregory P. Monroe Superintendent Crystal Koury Assistant Superintendent Allana-Rae Ramkissoon Assistant Superintendent As testament to our enduring commitment to educational excellence, we are transitioning from our Advisory School Board to a newly formed entity: the MACS Advisory Cabinet. Set to be implemented in the 2023-2024 school year, this transition was voted on and enacted by our MACS Regional School Board over the summer. Our primary aim with this new structure is to foster enhanced school representation, bolster engagement, improve accountability, streamline communication, all the while maintaining system-wide transparency and advocacy. This decision was influenced by the establishment of the School Leadership Councils (SLCs) across our MACS schools last year. Currently, six of the nine SLCs are active, and we anticipate the remaining three to be functional by the end of 2023. These local advisory groups consist of parents, alumni, parish members, and community leaders who extend their support to the school's principal or president. As highlighted in our MACS PTO leaders meeting in March of 2022, SLCs complement the leadership of our exceptional, hard-working PTOs. With the inception of the MACS Advisory Cabinet, a member of each school’s SLC will serve as a part of the Cabinet (typically, the SLC chair). This inclusion will ensure a direct representation from every school, facilitating the sharing of ideas and advocating school-specific concerns. Moreover, this Cabinet framework will fortify the bond between Diocesan and local school leadership, reinforcing our mission to uphold the teaching principles of the Catholic Church and champion the cause of exemplary Catholic school education. Below is the schedule of topics for the new MACS Cabinet meetings.

  • News | Mecklenburg Area Catholic Schools

    Diocese of Charlotte Catholic Schools Office Information The Diocese of Charlotte Catholic Schools believes that prioritizing in-person instruction is best for students’ overall well-being. This year, working together as parents, school leaders, teachers, and students, we will continue to prioritize the safety of our school communities. The consistent validation we have received from school data and education and health professionals reinforces that our guidelines and protocols, outlined in the following pages, are appropriate and correct for the mission and needs of our schools. The protocols prioritize safety while supporting our goal to provide as normal a learning environment as possible. As we move through the school year, we will continue to monitor the pandemic and use objective data to make decisions that support a safe and conducive learning environment for those we serve. The pandemic continues to affect populations throughout our community and beyond. We must remember that our decisions individually and collectively should focus on fulfilling our mission. Meeting our students' holistic learning needs, so that they may answer their calling to be intentional disciples of Christ, is our responsibility. We appreciate your trust and partnership this past year and look forward to walking Faithfully Forward with you in 2021-2022. May God bless you and your family. Important Links August 1 Faithfully Forward Return to Campus 2021-22 (English) August 1 Faithfully Forward Return to Campus 2021-22 (Spanish) Proper Handwashing Video Emotional Support Video MACS Information Our 9 schools have developed individual and specific guidelines for returning to campus on August 18. Please check your individual school's website for the school specific plan and additional information.

  • Apply | Mecklenburg Area Catholic Schools

    Tuition Financial Aid Academics Request Info | | | | | School Tours Español 2025-2026 Applications Open November 4th! Currently in Rolling Admissions 2024-2025 MACS is a family of nine Catholic schools in the Greater Charlotte area. All schools are co-ed and fully accredited. MACS accepts students for PK, TK, K - 12th grade. We are a Catholic school system but welcome students and families of all faiths and backgrounds into our school community. Click Here to Apply There is a non-refundable application fee of $120 per student upon completion of the application. Testing Requirement Please do not contact ABC Educational Services directly for scheduling. There is no additional fee for testing (TK - 8th) conducted by ABC Educational Services. FOR PRIORITY ADMISSIONS ROUND: TK and K - apply by January 13th in order for ABC testing results to be returned by January 31st deadline. 1st - 8th - apply by February 10th in order for ABC testing results to be returned by February 28th deadline. T esting re sul ts will be sent to the MACS Admissions Office and your checklist will be updated accordingly. An email notification will be sent when results ar e uploaded to portal. Participating Catholi c Status To receive higher priority during the Priority Admissions Round, be sure to have your Parish Participation Voucher signed by your parish and uploaded to your Che cklist by the deadline for application completion. Testing PK / TK / Kindergarten Required Documents Application Copy of student’s Baptismal Certificate and Birth Certificate Completion of Health Form and Immunizations Additional TK & Kindergarten Documents Completed Parish Participation Voucher (for Catholics) Completed Preschool Assessment (by current Preschool teacher-online form) Age Requirements PK - Age 4 by 8/31 TK - Age 5 by 10/15 K - Age 5 by 8/31 Testing Requirements: TK, K - TERA - Test of Early Reading Ability TEMA - Test of Early Math Ability PPVT - Peabody Picture Vocabulary Speech and Language Evaluations Apply Now Grades 1-8 Required Documents Application Copy of student’s Baptismal Certificate and Birth Certificate Completion of Health Form and Immunizations Completed Parish Participation Voucher (for Catholics) Two most recent years of grades (current year and previous year report cards) Two most recent years of Standardized Test results (current year and previous year) Principal and Teacher Recommendations (6th-8th grades) Testing Requirements: 1st - TERA - Test of Early Reading Ability TEMA - Test of Early Math Ability PPVT - Peabody Picture Vocabulary Speech and Language Evaluations 2nd - 8th - Woodcock-Johnson Apply Now Grades 9-12 Required Documents Application Copy of student’s Baptismal Certificate and Birth Certificate Completion of Health Form and Immunizations Completed Parish Participation Voucher (for Catholics) Two most recent years of grades (current year and previous year report cards) Two most recent years of Standardized Test results (current year and previous year) Principal and Teacher Recommendations Transcripts Testing Requirements: 9th Grade - High School Placement Test Apply Now International (9-12) Required Documents Application Copy of student’s Baptismal Certificate and Birth Certificate Completion of Health Form and Immunizations Two most recent years of Standardized Test results (current year and previous year) Principal and Teacher Recommendations Transcripts English Proficiency Test Scores (iTep Slate, TOEFL Junior & TOEFL iBT accepted - min 87) Additional Requirements: Info Sheet for I-20 Guardianship Appointment Letter Copy of Passport Copy of Student Visa Copy of I-94 Proof of Health Insurance Apply Now En Español Nuestras escuelas ofrecen alta calidad académica, tecnología, arte, deportes, música y más en un ambiente familiar y de fe. Ayuda financiera disponible. Para información llame: 704-370-3265 or Espanol

  • Why Choose MACS | Mecklenburg Area Catholic Schools

    Explore Why Choose MACS? Faith & Service News What is MACS Videos | | | Why Choose MACS? | 100% graduation and college matriculation rates 9 co-ed, fully accredited MACS schools 50+ academic, technology & specialty courses 4 languages taught 125+ athletic championships since 2001 special learning programs 4 10K student service hours performed in 2017 20+ fine arts courses offered We put our four boys through the Catholic system and they were more than prepared for college. We feel they couldn't have gotten a better education. Why Choose MACS? Faith & Excellence Everything we do begins with faith and ends with excellence. Each day, we help our students develop a strong foundation of prayer, study and outreach. Helping students see the value in a life of faith and service means they will carry these principles with them throughout their lives. Our rigorous and challenging curriculum is taught by top-notch faculty who use cutting-edge technology to ensure students are prepared for a progressive future. No matter the endeavor they choose to pursue, our students graduate with a strong work ethic, a desire to achieve excellence, and a faith-filled heart to serve. Take the Next Steps... Request Info How To Apply Financial Aid FAQs

  • FIT Family Individualized Tuition | macs

    FIT: Family Individualized Tuition Family Individualized Tuition Information Mecklenburg Area Catholic Schools is committed to welcoming all families who wish to make the investment in Catholic education for their children. To make the investment in Catholic education affordable for as many families as possible, we are pleased to offer an individualized approach to affording Catholic Education - Family Individualized Tuition. Family Individualized Tuition (FIT) is available to all students in grades PK (full-time) through 12th grade. The application for the 2025-26 school year is now live. For inquiries on FIT for the 2024-25 school year, please contact our office. To apply and learn more about the FIT program and requirements, please read through the information on this page. A Customized Tuition Solution FIT for Your Family The MACS FIT program is designed to make a Catholic education possible for all families based on demonstrated financial need and the availability of funds. MACS is proud to use the Clarity Application to determine a family’s level of financial need based on the information that families share in the application which includes assets, income, expenses, and debts. To get started, please go to the Clarity Application and create an account. The application typically takes less than 30 minutes to complete. The Clarity Application is also mobile-friendly so you can complete it from anywhere. You are also able to save your progress and return at any time. At the end of the application, there is a $60 fee to submit, and you can share your application with additional schools that accept the Clarity Application for no additional charge. Simply use the dropdown menu in the application to select those schools. Please remember to return to your dashboard after you complete and submit your Clarity Application, as MACS requires you to upload additional documentation. The deadline for completing the financial aid application including relevant supplemental documents is May 15 for returning students. For new students, families are encouraged to complete their application at the same time as applying for admission. If you need support during the process of completing your application, there is in-app support available through the “Help” button in the bottom left of the screen, as well as email and phone support at or 206-210-3752, in both English and Spanish. The application itself is also fully translated into Spanish. Important: Please search for Mecklenburg Area Catholic Schools (MACS) in the Clarity application. FIT Determination To be considered for FIT, submit an application for your family through the link above, along with any requested documentation an d the non-refundable FIT application fee. If there are circumstances that have recently changed or you wish to explain in further detail, the application allows you to explain any change in circumstances. If we need any documentation related to that change, we will reach out to you. Once your family's application is submitted in full, the application will be processed and then sent it to us for review. From the time your application and all requested documentation is submitted, it takes an average of 2-4 weeks to receive a response. FIT notifications for the upcoming school year typically begin in March. FIT Need Appeals If circumstances change after your FIT determination has been sent to you and you wish to have your need reconsidered, please refer to your de termination email for information on FIT appeals. NCSEAA Scholarship The North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority (NCSEAA) offers an income-based scholarship of up to $7,468 per school year to recipients. For students with certain disabilities, NCSEAA's ESA+ scholarship may be a great fit. ESA+ awards vary from $9,000 - $17,000 pe r school year and do not consider income. We recommend new families interested in NCSEAA scholarships to apply before March 1. Families applying for FIT are required to apply for the Opportunity Scholarship in order to be considered for FIT, with the exception of students in grades PK or TK, and SC residents. To review requirements and to apply, please visit . Tuition Adjustments for Catholic Families For families who are des ignated Participating Catholic by their Diocese of Charlotte Catholic parish, additional tuition adjustments are available: Participating Catholic discount - please visit for more information on eligibility for the Participating Catholic Tuition Rate. Multiple Child Discount - applied to the youngest siblings in birth order: 2nd child - 10% discount 3rd child - 25% discount 4th child - 50% discount Example FIT Scenarios Because each family has unique circumstances and many factors influence a family's need, FIT determinations will vary by family. These scenarios are based on actual families and 2022-23 tuition rates. What is the Opportunity Scholarship? The Opportunity Scholarship is program that helps families pay for tuition & certain fees at approved non-public schools. All schools in the Diocese of Charlotte are approved. Applications and awards are handled through the North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority (NCSEAA). How much is the award and how do I apply? Awards are based on your family’s Tier, which is based on income and household size. Awards for the 2024-25 school year will range from $3,340 to $7,468. To view Tier and Award information, click here (links to To apply, visit What are the requirements to apply? Families are required to reside in North Carolina and students must be entering grades K-12 to be eligible. No documents are needed during the application process, but tax transcripts and proof of residency may be requested by NCSEAA prior to finalizing awards. Are all families guaranteed to receive an award? The funds allocated in the North Carolina budget for the Opportunity Scholarship are limited for the 2024-25 school year, therefore it is possible that the number of applicants will exceed the amount of funding available. Awards are first given out to renewal students, followed by Tier 1 families. Any remaining funds will then be awarded to Tier 2 families, followed by Tier 3 and Tier 4 families. Even if your family falls into a higher Tier and may not receive an award this upcoming year, please do still apply. Your voice will let North Carolina legislators know that this program is important to all families, will hopefully encourage more funds to be allocated toward this beneficial program, and will ensure that your family is already in the system when it comes time to apply and/or renew for next year. When will awards be announced? How do I apply the award to my tuition account? New recipients will be notified by NCSEAA in April. The MACS Business Office will begin applying awards to tuition accounts in April and May. The first tuition payment for the 2024-25 school year is not until June 2024, therefore awards announced in April will be applied prior to the first tuition payment. If for some reason you do not see your award in your tuition account by mid-May, please contact the MACS Business Office for assistance. What can the Opportunity Scholarship funds be applied to? NCSEAA statutes and program rules determine what the funds can be applied to. Funds can currently be applied to tuition, registration fees, and capital fees. Although MACS bills capital fees by family and not by student, NCSEAA policy requires us to split the capital fee amongst all students in a family when reporting eligible tuition and fees. Am I required to apply for the Opportunity Scholarship? MACS families are highly encouraged to apply for the Opportunity Scholarship. Only families who are requesting to be considered for our financial aid program, FIT, will be required to apply for the Opportunity Scholarship as part of the FIT application process. This requirement is waived for families residing in South Carolina. Who do I contact if I have questions about the Opportunity Scholarship? For application and eligibility questions, contact the NCSEAA at 855-330-3955 or Questions on how the Opportunity Scholarship is applied to your MACS tuition account, contact the MACS Business Office at 704-370-3265 or

  • Explore | Mecklenburg Area Catholic Schools

    Explore What is MACS? Faith & Service What is MACS | Why Choose MACS? | We are building leaders, with strong faith in God and strong minds, who think critically and serve their communities. We want our students to graduate as confident, faith-filled, well-spoken individuals with strong moral compasses and a heart to serve. Our students are successful due to our faith-based, college preparatory curriculum which has resulted in a 100% graduation rate! Scholars. Artists. Athletes. Leaders. Champions. Discover MACS Discover all MACS has to offer Our hands-on approach to learning means that our students experience their studies firsthand. Our students produce television segments from their school's broadcast desk and learn about aviation on simulators. They build life-size engineering and industrial design projects, and learn about space and wildlife on their iPads. They compete in band competitions domestically and abroad, study robotics, debate, and perfect dance and vocal technique. Our students are award-winning visual artists and championship-winning athletes. At the elementary school level, students are exposed to everything from STEM and Technology to Student Council and Cheerleading. In middle school, students are offered specialty classes such as Graphic Design, Finance and Broadcast. High school students are given Mac laptops to aid in all their studies from German to Psychology. We integrate technology, faith and service into everything we do because we want our students to be prepared for any profession they choose to pursue. We also offer special learning programs for students with enhanced academic needs and diagnosed learning disabilities. We invite you to peruse our site and discover all that MACS has to offer. We look forward to having your family become part of our family. The Holy See’s Teaching on Catholic Schools Archbishop J. Michael Miller, C.S.B., 2005 Five Essential Marks of a Catholic School Inspired by a supernatural vision Founded on Christian anthropology Animated by communion and community Imbued with a Catholic worldview throughout its curriculum Sustained by Gospel witness What is MACS? MACS is a school system of nine Catholic schools (PK-12) in the Greater Charlotte area. MACS handles admissions, financial aid, transportation & after school care for all its schools. All MACS schools are co-ed and fully accredited. 100% Graduation Rate College Counseling, STEM, Robotics, Computer Programming, and 1-to-1 Technology are all part of how we make sure our students are graduating, engaged, and prepared for the future. Academics Building Community Leaders Our faith is at the center of all we do. Service learning projects teach our students the importance of giving back and how to work with organizations for a greater cause. Faith & Service MACS is an inclusive, welcoming, co-educational community for students and families of all faiths and religions. MACS does not discriminate and admits students of any race, color, sex, religion, national or ethnic origin. Take the Next Steps... How To Apply Financial Aid

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