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The MACS Business Office offers multiple services for our current families.

As a system of 9 schools, MACS centralizes the admissions process, oversees the tuition billing, and organizes programs like Transportation and After School. We are here to serve our current and new families alike! If you cannot find the information you are looking for below, please contact our main line (704.370.3265) to be directed to the appropriate department. 

Contact Us


Important Links & Forms
Tuition & Billing

Our Tuition and Billing team is your place to find answers to all of your financial questions. From enrollment questions to payment plan changes, our team will be able to help you. Contact this department for the following:

  • Registration Questions

  • Enrollment/Re-Enrollment Information

  • Financial Assistance

  • Individual Account Changes & Information

MACS partners with FACTS Tuition Management for our student billing system. To manage your tuition account, please visit  

Participating Catholic Status

The Mecklenburg Area Catholic Schools (MACS) Parish Subsidy Program provides assistance to qualified participating Catholic parishioners with children attending MACS. Participation status may vary by parish, and it is verified annually between the MACS Business Office and the respective parish. Unless the status changes, a family does NOT have to submit a MACS Parish Participation Voucher each year. A notification of change will be emailed if necessary, which may require a new voucher submission.

If you transfer your membership to a new parish during the school year, please provide the MACS Business Office with this update and a signed voucher from the new parish. 

Transportation, Band, and After School Registration

MACS provides excellent services including Transportation, Band (Grades 4-12), and After School for our students. These programs are optional and have an additional cost. To register your student for any of these services, you will find the corresponding registration forms in your student's checklist in the MACS portal

Continuous Enrollment

MACS has moved to a continuous enrollment process, therefore current families do not need to re-complete enrollment each year. Families who do not plan to return the following school year must complete the Opt Out form by March 31st. This form can be found in the MACS portal.

Continuous enrollment information will be emailed to all current families in February of each year. If you did not receive the communication via email, please contact the MACS Business Office.

Withdrawal Information

While we hate to see you go, we must receive a MACS Withdrawal Form in order to process your withdrawal. Please login to your MACS portal and complete this form, which is located under each student's 'Optional Checklist' items. 

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